Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions

We're being honest here, right? Right... Good. I hate New Years resolutions. And I don't use the word hate often or lightly – I really loathe them.


Well, let me count the ways...

They're often not thought out well or planned for properly. For instance, saying I wanna lose 20 pounds is great, but what's the action plan behind it. Saying I wanna work out more is great, how am I gonna make that happen. Saying I want to blog more is terrific, but when am I gonna have time?

I feel like we set ourselves up for failure because we set a goal without an action plan to back it up. It's not that I don't have goals – I have thousands of them... Here's a flaw in me... I have SO many goals and not enough action plans. I can't achieve my goals without knowing HOW I'm going to achieve them.

Here is my resolve for 2012to be the best me that God has created me to be, no matter what that looks like to anyone else. He is the most important in my life. I want to go and do and be where and what and who He wants - not where I want. It isn't always the same path. The more I've learned about Him and growing in relationship with Him, His ways are always better.

Do I want to fall in love – sure do – but should I just walk around looking for people to fall in love with or should I be falling in love with Jesus everyday so that I am prepared when He brings someone in my life.

Do I want to blog more – sure do – but should I forsake time and relationship with other people in my life to make that happen or should I do what God has called me to do and just love people?

Do I want to lose weight – sure do – but should that consume me so much that I forget to enjoy life or can I be all right with small indulgences along the way?

Don't put too much pressure on yourself – resolutions should be made all year long and not just once a year... if you want to do something new and the idea (along with the action plan) doesn't come to you until March – then start in March. There's no reason to set a ton of things on your shoulders all at once. Do them as they come and check the boxes off as you go. You'll feel better that way, I'm sure of it. At least I do...

Rant over. =]

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