Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4 Joy Dare

February 4 Joy Dare - Three gifts found when bent down.

Kisses and reading time with Nicole. When I returned home this evening, Nicole's momma was doing her reading lesson with her. I wanted to give momma a break and spend some time with Nicole, so I bent to kiss her head and went through her reading lesson with her. Highlight of my day. 

Lost toys found. Do you have cats? No? Yes? Well, if you do then you know that cat toys are always missing. Cats aren't like dogs. They don't gnaw on toys until they are worn out. No. They pick up their toys and throw them around and push them underneath anything that will suck them in. When I came to my room, I found a long lost cat toy on my floor. No idea where it came from, but I know my Tiki is happy to have it back!

The yarn basket. My yarn supply has grown and emptied. I bent over tonight to go through my inventory to see if there were any projects waiting to be started and I have nothing! This is both good and bad. It's good because I've used up my yarn. It's bad because I have to go buy more! I need a yarn credit. haha. 

Are you doing the Joy Dare work with me? How's it going for you? I'd love to know. =]

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